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REMONDIS Recycling

Climate Project as per Gold Standard

  • The improvements developed by us for our glass recycling facility in Essen are certified as a climate project in keeping with the Gold Standard. The Gold Standard programme is one of the world's most commonly used quality standard for validating and verifying voluntary emission reductions. All-in-all, the over 1,400 certified Gold Standard projects in existence have reduced or eliminated more than 60 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere to date.

    More information about Gold Standard:
    Phone: +41 (0) 22 788 7080
    Email: help@goldstandard.org
    Website: https://www.goldstandard.org/

Processes with Many Advantages

    • The improvements implemented in our recycling facility start off from two process steps in particular: The separation/recovery and the aeration. Deployment of the latest machines and their clever arrangement now enable all material flows to be sorted in a single processing step while minimizing glass losses. Optimized colour sorting has additionally opened the way to further progress. For example the new, energy-saving compressor system used to feed in the air today, which generates and processes the compressed air – i.e. the main energy carrier. The result: The required quality is also achievable without energy-intensive drying.

    • The glass shards can be colour-sorted in a single production run

Higher Efficiency and Significant Energy Savings

  • Thanks to the comprehensive optimizations, the glass recycling plant works with great efficiency and an optimal material flow that is ensured at all times. The installation of the separation and recovery unit has completely done away with the previous double processing of 8,000 tons per year. With drying no longer required, the energy consumption has been reduced by two thirds in comparison to conventional facilities.

  • The project realized at our glass recycling facility in Essen demonstrably reduces the emission of greenhouse gases.

Continuous Consultation of local Stakeholder

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  • REMONDIS-Group

    REMONDIS Recycling belongs to the REMONDIS Group and thus to one of the world's largest recycling, service and water companies. More about the company at remondis.com

  • Contact

    REMONDIS Recycling GmbH & Co. KG
    Econova-Allee 33
    45356 Essen
    F +49 201 83454-219

© 2025 REMONDIS SE & Co. KG